New single: We Are Wild


Primer single de lo que será nuestro próximo disco, grabado en La Atlántida estudio con Mario Patiño, para quien no tenemos suficientes palabras de agradecimiento por toda la energía que ha puesto en él. También queremos agradecer las colaboraciones de dos músicos fantásticos como son Carlos Sarduy y David Domínguez Orgaz, que aparecerán en algunos temas al teclado y las congas respectivamente.

First single of what will be our next record, recorded in La Atlántida studio with Mario Patiño, for whom we do not have enough words of thanks for all the energy he has put in. We also want to thank the collaborations of two fantastic musicians such as Carlos Sarduy and David Domínguez Orgaz, who will appear on some keyboard themes and congas respectively.


We, we are wild
We are the blooming flowers and the cry of a child
We are tempests in the ocean and the silence inside
We are free, so we can dance, like fliying leaves
Like the sea dances with the sand

We are wild…

We, we are wild
We are trees and mountains and birds in the sky
We are all we can feel and what’s beyond the mind
We are free, so we can shine, like drops of rain falling
Like a thousand suns un the night

We are wild…

Not the kind of wilderness you can see in your thoughts
But the kind of wilderness that’s in the air lakes and stones
The kind of wilderness you can see deep in your soul
Don’t look at the wrong direction, there’s nothing outside
There’s allways a dancing fire burning inside